Monday, December 31, 2012

: )

I haven't been here for a while. It's for the best reason. I've been living. I try to fight against the whole writing more when I'm sad cliche, but I admit, I've been running around in happy land and jotting down a private smile here and there--but not here.
But now it's the last day of the year, and that calls for some public reflection--or at least some acknowledgement of this place, eh?
I have such vivid memories of last New Years Eve--the choices that were taken away from me by mr. pickpocket and the choices I made afterward. The night is a perfect snapshot of what 2012 would become--my year of choosing and my year of learning.
I remember that as we drove South the next morning, he asked me if I'd made any resolutions for the year. I didn't have a great answer at the time. The thing is, I think it was an entire year of resolution--and revolution. I've found a place to live where I'm constantly resolving--evolving. But that place coexists with the beautiful peace I found, too.
If you'd been looking into my window this year, it would look like not much has really changed. I can tell those who really know me, though. Because they can see how eventful this one was for me--inside out. In 2012, I was reignited. I am light again. The path was often ugly. But standing here at the end, looking back, almost all of it finally makes sense. And I have this wonderful feeling that sometimes eludes us adults. I have that first day of rehearsal excitement about the coming year. I can't even see that path yet. But I know I'm going to make it the best one. I have everything I need to get everything I want. I have myself. I have my people. I have fire. And that is all I need.
My heart is very full today as I let go of this year and get ready to welcome the next one--with a big, cheesy hug. I feel very lucky, very grateful, and now very eager to make 2013 shine as brightly as I'm smiling.