Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The end of fatty vacationitis...

I haven't written in a while.
Because I've been doing things. Things like reading and researching and singing and auditioning and working out and writing and actually completing songs. So instead of stopping to write about what I've been up to, I've gotten up to something else. It's been great and busy, and there have been twists and turns both personal and professional. And maybe I'll delve into those later. What I will say is that I've been very busy. And my calendar tells me that's going to continue.
My life right now is at a point that can best be compared to cleaning out an office. First, it looks like a paper explosion, piles everywhere... And then, items find and take their places, and it's all in line again, a working machine. I've been doing so much, and I have a lot of projects in the air without much product to show for it yet. So when asked what's new, all I can say is that I've been doing a lot. And something will be new soon.
And you know what? I'm proud of myself.

Anyway, I've started some big things, but I find it's the little everyday stories I always wish I wrote down. So I'm here tonight to do that.
Oh, the fatty vacationitis thing? That's what I'm calling the phase between surgery and when I was able to get back to business. 

So, the everyday things:
First of all, I need to add an addendum to my last post. Part of the reason I thought to write about my days as a Lyric kid again is because sitting at Ravinia, trying to articulate my feelings to my friends, I had a realization. No matter how perfect my descriptions, there are only a handful of people who actually know what I'm talking about from experience, and I think the only one I'm still in touch with is my sister. There's no facebook group for Lyric alums, so JPL's the only one I can talk to about it. She's wonderful and all. It just got me thinking about the importance of having people around who can truly relate to your life. I have more 9-5er friends than I do performer friends. Close friends, I mean. I know all my 9-5ers are there for me, though sometimes I can't imagine they truly get it. Then sometimes I think they do. And sometimes I think it doesn't matter either way. But sometimes I feel that desire to tell someone something like, "it was just like Lyric," and know they can understand, know that we've had a shared experience as well as a shared appreciation of each other.

Shoot. There's so much more to write, but I had to take a break to walk the pup. Now my eyelids are getting heavy. I'll leave you with a story and continue the update tomorrow.
A few days ago, I was walking Blitz. We came upon a lady with her little dog. The boys sniffed each other in a very common dog greeting. The odd part came from the human. Without having ever seen me before, before even sharing her name, this lady began thus:
"I was just reading about the Shepherd who got decapitated. (Continuation of gruesome story of a few people torturing dogs around the city.) And one of the guys was already wanted on another count. All these people are against gun control, but if we all had guns, we could just shoot people like that. And Quinn's against the death penalty. Someone's gonna shoot him. We're already living with socialism with Obama."
After a moment of silence, I believe I uttered something to the effect of, "Well, alright, bye."
In the middle of Chicago, having never met me... that rant... I just don't understand people sometimes.
I made it about half a block before realizing what I should have done was turn to Blitz and say, "Come on Barack." Next time...

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