Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I will do this once because I realize it may be necessary.
The decision to make a blog public is not always an easy one; it wasn't for me.
I had another blog once, and it was semi-private. Some knew I had it, but mostly, it was for me.
Last night, I chose to link the M. Destiny blog to facebook. I held my breath as I clicked that button and hoped that I wouldn't regret it. I immediately started tallying up those that maybe I wouldn't want to read my most candid thoughts--oh well. Plus, posting on facebook felt a little to me like asking people to read. My goal here is not to get readers but rather to invite people in this time, to make it known. I love putting this out into the world knowing that it's available to those who are interested. But I don't want to push.
Since I have made this public, I realize I need to say a bit more. Here's the thing--this is still a blog... half journal, half forum. I will go here to talk about things and people that are on my mind. And there is this risk that someone will recognize what I'm talking about even if I've tried to mask it. And though I'll usually change names, sometimes I won't mask a situation.
It is my hope that even in my private thoughts, I am carrying myself in a way that if someone recognizes a reference, it won't have any detrimental effect. But if I'm being honest, I'm leaving myself and others open to a world of situations by linking this page.
So here's the deal I will make with all of you:
This blog will not be used as a tool of passive aggression. I will not use it to talk about someone when I should be talking to them. If I talk about someone, it is not instead of facing them. Likewise, I invite you to face me if you feel that I am crossing any boundaries. I would never aim to hurt or slander anyone by blogging (maybe I've watched The Social Network too recently). Just remember, though I am inviting others in to share, this is still my place.

On the same note--I am a kind, humble person. I don't want to have to say this each time I say something positive about myself or critical of another. If I choose to write, "My kick ass voice and song writing abilities are so much better than some of the crap I saw on the Grammys last night," I mean this merely as a statement in support of what I'm writing about. So, there that is.

I think that's all that needs to be said for now. It's just that intent is hard to read on the internet. I realize that. So I've left you all this note. And if you choose to take anything I say differently than I mean, I guess that's my problem.

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