Monday, February 21, 2011

Is that a frog in your throat, or are you just happy to sing me?

Would you like to join my band? It's called the Nasal Resonator Shut Down.
Actually, you probably shouldn't. I'm hoping we'll only be together a short while longer.
Then, we'll be changing our name to We Can Has Breathing--Even in the Morning. I know that's a little long for a band name, but it really captures the excitement we will feel at our new found ability to breathe at all times of day and sing like ourselves every day.

Of course by we, I mean me and my stupid teeny sinuses that have gone on strike once again and taken away that good singing feeling by throwing all effort to my throat. I must still wait till April to be fixed. But I can smell that day coming--I think--if I sniff really hard.

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