Thursday, March 8, 2012

Check In...

I'm a writer. My sentences are too flowery, I use more words than are necessary, I use commas everywhere I'm supposed to and then some, I think a big vocabulary is sexier than a six pack, and I live for a great metaphor. So when the universe throws a humorously obvious metaphor my way, it leaves me, well, thrown. It pains me to have to be cryptic here, my place to write. But I, of course, can't describe the ins and outs of this particular metaphor. What I can say is this: I think sometimes we know what we need to do. We know what's right, and we can tell ourselves over and over to follow that path. If it were that simple, however, we wouldn't be so familiar with the struggle between the head and the heart that colors our collections of entertainment. So we live with this awareness of what we should do. We make a plan and try to follow it, though we know the head and the heart are swimming along next to us battling it out.
Things have been happening lately--things that I think are the equivalent to walking down the street and finding a mural of your life on an el platform. It's very "Stranger Than Fiction." I thought the first time was just the world's funny way of reminding me that I know what to do and giving me that little push to keep going. But it keeps happening. Today, I reached for A, and B happened within the hour.
This is now the worst blog entry ever because that's about as much as I can write in code without breaking the code or without it getting annoyingly boring (I'll pretend there's not a chance we've reached that already). It would be totally uncool of me to actually discuss A or B or really any letters of the alphabet. I suppose this is why I've been doing so much songwriting instead of blogging. I can paint with the whole alphabet in my songs... Though I am interested to see what will happen when I start gigging. When people hear what I've been writing for the last six months... Will they just listen? Or will they build a puzzle?
So, I guess what I came here to say is, "Universe, I hear you. You're hilarious, but you don't have to keep hitting me over the head with it all. Truly, I get it." I do.

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