Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day...

We spent the first day of the New Year driving home along the lake.
You asked me what if any resolutions did I make.
I went home and made some.
Wish I could say I've grown some.

Now I propose a toast over a long awaited beer,
"To a better second half of this shit storm of a year."
It's bound to be better.
We'll both make it better.

She and I leave the bar and head out in the heat.
The fireworks boom as we walk down the street.
The sounds travel through me.
Reset something in me.

Boom-Gonna change,
Bang-Be much stronger,
Crack-Time to move on,
Scream-Let it go.

And the truth explodes right before your eyes,
And you find freedom,
On Independence Day.
The truth explodes right before your eyes,
And you find freedom,
On Independence Day.

I'm home again, feeling much more like myself,
Storing all that weight I carried in a box up on a shelf.
I pray that it stays there.
"Oh please just stay up there."

I stroll the street I've grown to love, basking in my new-found light,
But Father Time and Larry Life aren't done with me tonight.
I know that look.
I can't take that look.

The way you pull me in, I know you've had a pop or three,
And with one touch, I feel my grip slip slowly far away from me.
My insides well up.
Might as well give up.

Boom-I can't change,
Bang-There's my weakness,
Crack-I can't move,
Scream-Don't know how, Not quite yet, Must hold on.

And the truth explodes right before our eyes.
I've lost all freedom,
On Independence Day.
When the truth explodes right before our eyes,
We've lost all freedom,
On Independence Day.

When the truth explodes right before your eyes,
How do you find freedom,
On Independence Day?

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