Friday, April 8, 2011

Our house has no dining room furniture because my parents each came with a piano.

This is just a quickie, but I wanted to put it here...

Reason I love my parents # 816:

Allie: I'm singing in a benefit for M.
Mom & Dad: Of course we'll be there. We love you, we love M, and we hate C*nc*r.
Allie: Oh hey Mom, since you'll be there, want to accompany me?
Mom: Sure. Sounds great.

A few days later...

Mom: Don't panic, but I'm playing a show, and I have a performance the day I was supposed to play for you.
Allie: No problem...
          Dad, since you'll be there, want to accompany me?
Dad: Sure. Sounds great.

Who else could tell this story? I'm a lucky girl to be in such good accompany. (sorry)

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