Tuesday, March 29, 2011

some people are awesome, and some people suck.

At the dog park today, I found out J.H. shares a lot of my opinions on the world--health care, dividing the country in two, etc. And if he and I feel that way, some other people do, too. And maybe we really can become the U.S. of Canada bordered by the Republic of Tea Party. It was good park time.

Both J.H. and I expressed much general disappointment in the state of the world. There are many sucky people either not caring to make a difference or fighting against positive change.
And London, I am ashamed of you. As a democracy, you should know better than to stage violent protests. You have a governmental system that can handle your issues, and you have the responsibility to protest peacefully. You are not run by a dictator. You are not fighting for your lives. London, the last thing we need is more violence. Stop it.

I love the Whole Foods refrigerated cookie dough that bakes into warm, gooey goodness in 6 minutes. The powers that be stopped packaging it to sell that way. But--the lady at the bread counter said that if I call ahead from now on, they will happily box some up for me! Out of her way nice.

Suck: When I got home, I rode the elevator from the lobby to the basement before going up to 5. When I got down to the basement, I found that there is now a fitness center in our building. After months of new construction, not sharing her parking lot, disabling our entry code, etc., the B*&%! that bought our building built a gym and didn't bother to tell the renters about it.

Now somebody has a fridge full of organic food to eat...

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