Saturday, June 16, 2012

On Behalf of Women...

Sometimes, I'm walking down the street, and a man says something to me about my appearance, and it makes me so disgusted and angry that by the time I have my wits, it's too late to turn around and give him a piece of my mind. I'm not even talking about telling someone off--I'm talking about a few choice pieces of advice about how it won't get them too far and about how to treat or not treat women...
Anyway, thanks to the glory that is facebook, I got my chance tonight. Over the past four days, I've gotten several messages from this guy that have said "hey." And that brings us to tonight. The boy, we shall code name Craig the Perv. Perv for short. Craig the Perv because some people don't deserve anonymity.

want to make some fast $$?
up to $300 tonight?
Me (giving him the teeniest benefit of the doubt):
hi. probably not interested in whatever you want me to do.
maybe if i paid more?
well, why don't you be less vague and tell me what it is you're paying people to do.
i'll pay you to give me a sexy webcam show
ok craig. i hope you're ready for a dose of honesty...
even something quick
i accepted your friend request because i saw you went to wheeling.
but seriously...
to skip over hey, how are you, etc. directly to asking someone to get naked probably isn't going to work so well for you.
never know till you ask
also, there are few things more disgusting that a man can do to a woman other than to objectify her.
that's true. but to ask as the very first thing you say to a person is just about the most disrespectful thing you can do. because you're treating someone who may be amazing as a mere object.
that's what porn is for.
that is not what real women are for.
i just thought i'd let you know that it's probably not going to get you very far. it's gross.
i attempted to talk to you before but you never responded
you said "hey"
i also said "how's life" and never got anything
but if you aren't interested it's okay, i didn't mean to offent
(Ooo I didn't notice this before. If I had, I would have said, "No shit it's ok if I'm not interested."
maybe that's true... but tonight you skipped right over that... no need to re-hash... 
i just wanted to say this because letting it go implies that it's ok to do it.
best of luck to you, and hopefully i've given you some insight as to how gross it feels to be propositioned this way.
have a good night.
sorry again
but if you ever change your mind let me know
craig. i cannot believe you said that. it's fucking prostitution. i just told you how disgusting i think you are, and you ask me again?
i guess some people just don't learn.
i'm gonna defriend you now, and i hope nobody else has to put up with this tonight.
it's not prositution
paying someone to get naked... is pretty close.
again, not really interested in your defense.
good bye.
bye, again sorry if i offended you
(yeah, i'm sure he is.)
Well, ladies. I tried.

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