Thursday, June 23, 2011

I almost deafened my mother, but we both smiled (part 3)

Back to the story...
Thursday, the day after surgery, I woke up excited... to put in my contacts and see again. Shortly after I was up and around (and medicated), I received a call from one of the nurses. She was incredibly apologetic for the day before, reassuring me that someone should have gotten back to me. It was fine. It really was. But I thought the phone call was sure nice after the long day I'd had. Eating was still clumsy. Try moving your upper lip without feeling it in your nose and you'll know what I mean. I still slept on and off during the day. My mom stayed until the afternoon, and JPL came over shortly thereafter. She made me lunch and kept me company and was pretty much the most rockin' sister/caretaker for the day. OtherMe drove in from the burbs to visit, which was super nice and not at all out of character. So the three of us hung out, as much as I could hang out, and the day passed. I slept on the couch again and again was up every couple of hours to ice, drink, or pop a pill. 
Friday was my first morning on my own once Han went to work. I was feeling good enough to try it out, but I was admittedly nervous about being alone with the pup all morning. But--he was awesome. He took a sniff, saw me settled in on the couch, and he spent the entire morning laying calmly next to me. Dogs are amazing like that, or at least mine is. Mom came over for the afternoon again, and when Han got home, he grilled a lovely dinner for us. I'm not sure I adequately described before what it was like to have a completely plugged nose with ears popping, etc. If I didn't, it will only be gross to do it now. But please, as you read, stick that in for a while every few hours. But beside the still very intermittent airflow through my nose, things were settling down a bit. The hardest few days were over.

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