Wednesday, June 29, 2011

a little bit louder now...

This is for you, Dr.Lizz:

So, we're only up to the Monday after surgery, but there isn't as much to tell after that. Here's what was noteworthy to me--

Haha. I took some notes for myself so that I could write all this, and for Tuesday, I wrote "ass day." I guess that means I just relaxed. And I sang some I'm sure, too.
Wednesday, however, was noteworthy. I decided to celebrate my one week surgeversary by going to an audition. It was just a nice regional season audition asking for two selections. So I went. I still felt like I was singing through a cold--a little stuffy, a little runny. And I didn't know exactly how to control each note as I placed them the same as I'd been for so long. I'll write more about the adjustment later, but I think the audition was a good, solid return to happy auditioning. I figure at the worst, I sounded just a little better, and it felt a whole lot better. And just before I left the audition room, one of the auditors called me back. "Allison. In all of your cheerleading and gymnastics experience, did you ever twirl a baton?" Sigh. Of all of the numerous and random skills I have, I never have. And I'm kind of awful about truth stretching at auditions. And so I answered with a disappointed but optimistic smile, "No I did not. But I can learn." And you know, in my mind, just the fact that they asked the question confirmed that it was a solid audition just a week after surgery.
Thursday, I went out with the Cook. We had a lovely afternoon in Lincoln Square where he got me tipsy on a very large margarita and full on heavenly gelato. It was lovely. And aside from the fantastic company, it was nice to be out doing something on a beautiful day when I could smell the flowers.
I got home from my afternoon with the Cook to a very excited Blitz. Now, when I come home to him, he flails and jumps a lot, so I'd been particularly careful not to go anywhere near him until he was calm enough not to hit me. On this particular day, I underestimated. He looked calm to me, so I crouched down to pick something up from the floor. Then I saw him coming. His nose smacked square into the left side of my nose, right down at the bottom. I don't know if it was the physical pain or the thought of him having knocked my new, straight septum just a week after surgery that hurt more. But it hurt. A lot.
I called the office of Dr. Dimples as he's the one who fixed my septum, and the nurse told me to stop in the next day for a double check.
"I just couldn't stay away," I joked, as Dr. Dimples came in. He took a look up the right nostril and smiled.
"That is a straight septum. Who did that?" He and his shining bedside manner assured me that nothing had shifted. And since I was there, he very kindly offered to do a little clean-up and stitch removal to increase my comfort. And then we just chatted for a few minutes about his upcoming business trip. You know, bedside manner or not, he sure knows how to pay a girl some attention. Whataguy.

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