Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And I skipped down the halls of Northwestern Memorial...

Guys, this is it.
My voice is gonna ring throughout the land...

Yesterday, I met with Dr. Amazing. Apparently, he's the guru I should have been seeing this whole time. But I don't even care about all the questions and consults and goose chases anymore. All I care about is that yesterday, it took him about 5 minutes to tell me with total confidence that surgery a) is the absolute best option and b) will make me so. much. better.
My nose is as crowded as a room on hoarders, and Dr. Amazing is going to make me an open air play room. He says he can make big space, and big space = big improvement.
And Dr. Architect will be there, too. He's a perfectionist. And he has great dimples (which is not at all a qualification but is pretty darn endearing).
I've been waiting so long. And you know, I trust both of them. I really, really do.

In just a few more weeks, I will sound like me--not this strange me of the last year, but me...

I really did skip, by the way. : )

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