Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blitz and I are listening to the rain...

We're home alone... again. My brain stages an imaginary face-off--briefcases vs. voices. (JPL, that was another Stage Kiss reference--don't hurt yourself trying to decode it. : ))
Anyway, I've been using my time alone to sit in front of my computer listening to live Adele performances. This speaks to the kind of week it's been--if you know her work and if you know that only certain mindsets/emotions allow me to get lost in time without any worry of my to do list. Come to think of it, Adele sings of losing ones self in time thinking about another person. We all know it takes pretty strong feelings, personal or otherwise, to lose yourself that way. So I've loved that time today. It means I'm feeling. And that means I'm writing.
Blitz gets restless when it's just the two of us at night. He paces and pants and doesn't understand. We've fetched and pulled and walked and done the stairs. There's nothing else I can do...
There are two other things I wanted to write about tonight, but I find that right now there's too much on my mind to focus into sentences...
What I will say is this: there is nothing like a sister. Thank you, JPL, for today. I needed that reassurance. I do have eyes. And I do have you. And now that I've explained what it means to me, you were some kind of pork product. And not in the ironic, forbidden kind of way. But in the fulfilling kind of way. Thank you.
And now to prepare, for tomorrow we dance!

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