Sunday, May 8, 2011

I know you're out there...

Hello, friends.
Lately, it has come to light that quite a few of you are reading, whether occasionally or regularly. Some of you tell me outright that you're reading, some of you ask me questions about a post, some of you I try to tell a story, but you confess you already know the punchline.
But according to my page, I have 5 followers, one of which is me. Now, I love the facebook stalk as much as anyone. Anonymity is hard to come by these days.
But when I'm not sure if I should sit down to write sometimes, it's really, really motivating to know that people are checking. It makes a difference. It tips the scale.
So I'm not going to go all, "click the follow button! click it!! click the button!" on you. I'd never do that. But if you don't mind me knowing, and you don't mind the world knowing, it would be fun to see your names pop up on my sidebar so that I can have "you" specifically with me while I'm writing.
And while I'm on the subject, whether my number of followers is 5 or 500, thanks for reading. You are all wonderful for caring, or even just being a little curious.

I had a lovely day with family today, and there's nothing else to write about tonight.
Tomorrow, I may have my first acupuncture experience, in which case I'm sure there will be much to tell.
Good night all you secret and not secret people. I'm wishing you all sweet dreams.

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