Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Laughs like bacon...

Tonight, I wish being a human was as easy as being a writer. I wish I could write and rewrite and try a few plot lines out for size and happiness before opening night. 
There is a scene toward the end of Stage Kiss that involves the story of a woman who lives one life while the ghost of her lives another. I'm a ghost right now, and I don't know which is the best road to living.
And then there is bacon... constantly. Stage and screen make it look so easy to maneuver. My moral compass has always found fault with that fact. But the characters I relate to are changing.
If only I could write it... then I could try an action, see it through, and if it bombed, I could craft the response of each character. Like tonight, someone would make it all better before the closing number. No risk of utter destruction. We could literally all be on the same page...
Maybe that makes me a control freak, which is not how we're supposed to live. Right? But right now I feel like I may as well flip a coin.
The truth is, I'm starving. I am. I admitted it tonight. And for a few hours, I wasn't even hungry.
See, I'm figuring out what keeps me full. But right now I'm just more aware of the hunger when it returns.
I need a solution. So far, I've decided that every day should be a feast. Or a potential feast (I can be realistic). Now I just have to figure out how on earth to get what I want...
Do I hear a breakfast bell?

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